Upon the horizon the sun shines and open doors for overstanding, colours come to life dreams are made and fulfilled. Animation manifests as the sun projects the spectrum of creation. We beings under the sun move willy nilly bound to the ground as part of the colors projected by the sun, connected to the elements of the universe. Through time we have forgotten our greatness hence we seek to destroy the ground we walk upon, the air we breath and the water we drink. the human specie, a kind of a self destructive being.
In search for his upliftment in science the human being always reaches a point of self distruct- meaning his technology is not only helping him but also destroying him. The level of greed that fuels consumption of natural resources is related to the way he eats, not just for nourishment but for fulfillment, like there is a need for him to finish the whole chicken alone. He has development into a specie that does not care, don'tcarism amongst other scism has found its way in his subconscious. The more he has the more wants, a spirit like that of beasts has manifested amongst the human race that it is now a level of consciousness that determines humanity or else you're a beast. This is seen on the consumption of flesh, that there is not a conscious thought of what one is eating, the life within, and without.
Like my body when it is sick the planet is responding telling him in signs, he laughs and look at his profit then cut more trees and dig the ground till there is nothing left, development he calls it and economic whatwhat...Then pray to God on Sunday that he doesn't destroy his glass house. As the earth shakes he still find ways of making profit, killing the seeds at infant relying on the machine to produce his food, to raise his children and teach them about life. As foretold in the pages of our ancients as a prophecy this story was sealed to be revealed in good time in good season. For that which shall be done has already been.
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