Wednesday, June 22, 2011

He who feels it knows it...

...the electricity...its gone again just like yesterday but it never borders me anymore.

For I have learned and understood my inheritance, the struggle of my people,

I the African still suffering the struggles of the past...

I can see deception when the train stops in the middle of nowhere,

The taxis never come in time,

Communities sleep on the pavements of corner Eloff and Plain.

Small things that make up the bigger picture of things and things in RSA.

I try that this never get into my veins for I will be called a racist with backwardness if I react to it.

If I say that the black man is not still free in this country it will sound bad to the master and our brothers who consider themselves free. Through this paper I communicate with them that overstand the course of our struggle, neither insighting any thoughts but he who feels it knows it, without you feeling the fire you won't know that it is hot

hence I feel it from where I stand, I see it and I know it.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Pages of the ancients

Upon the horizon the sun shines and open doors for overstanding, colours come to life dreams are made and fulfilled. Animation manifests as the sun projects the spectrum of creation. We beings under the sun move willy nilly bound to the ground as part of the colors projected by the sun, connected to the elements of the universe. Through time we have forgotten our greatness hence we seek to destroy the ground we walk upon, the air we breath and the water we drink. the human specie, a kind of a self destructive being.

In search for his upliftment in science the human being always reaches a point of self distruct- meaning his technology is not only helping him but also destroying him. The level of greed that fuels consumption of natural resources is related to the way he eats, not just for nourishment but for fulfillment, like there is a need for him to finish the whole chicken alone. He has development into a specie that does not care, don'tcarism amongst other scism has found its way in his subconscious. The more he has the more wants, a spirit like that of beasts has manifested amongst the human race that it is now a level of consciousness that determines humanity or else you're a beast. This is seen on the consumption of flesh, that there is not a conscious thought of what one is eating, the life within, and without.

Like my body when it is sick the planet is responding telling him in signs, he laughs and look at his profit then cut more trees and dig the ground till there is nothing left, development he calls it and economic whatwhat...Then pray to God on Sunday that he doesn't destroy his glass house. As the earth shakes he still find ways of making profit, killing the seeds at infant relying on the machine to produce his food, to raise his children and teach them about life. As foretold in the pages of our ancients as a prophecy this story was sealed to be revealed in good time in good season. For that which shall be done has already been.

Monday, June 13, 2011

In the moment and situation comes destruction,
He always asks himself, "what is the meaning."
In an instance a plan crumbles
into pieces and vanishes to non existence.
As he tries to pick up its pieces another one is born
with the purpose to complete the works of a plan before.
In a space time dictates and take away
all hopes and dreams that were still to be lived,
promises that were made,
time still reveals itself as the master.
He moves on still with the knowledge
from the experience he has lived.
Troubled provoked by the truth of the matter,
the reality of the picture,
Yes the paints are not in harmony,
to himself he matters.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Children of the Spoken Word

Children of the spoken word ploughing and planting the seeds,

the word in action, passion pushing performance,

the children of the spoken word reciting the importance.

Shouting and calling ancient spirits who overstood the spoken word

and had faith in it. Sons and daughters elevating through the mic,

reaching higher heights of understanding,

the purpose of the spoken word…speak sons,

daughters ululate tell them before its too late.

Speak your mind and free your soul,

hear the sound of the word as it comes creating spaces

and casting the wicked…

Children of the spoken word we are growing and mobilizing into masses.

Tagging and bombing the city with the word

that they don’t want to hear…

Fear not but speak and recite that poem with pride

and sing that song with understanding

the spoken word that gave birth to us

hence we give much respect to the word as it works in us.

We are ever strong feeding on it.

Chant children, speak your mind

OH! You Children of the Spoken Word.

Word, word, word…