Wednesday, September 7, 2022

From 2019 to 2022

The work of the Most High continued. Guided by the higher ones. I had learnt to listen with my heart, see far in a distant land through the eye of vision. I also had learnt to travel the spheres by opening the portals within my being. Really I was here before I slowly remembering my distan memory of my past lives and realising the present duty which is the mission at hand. Keep rising your consciousness, for it is the expansion of your awareness within and without. We are sent from far to manifest in this plane.

Monday, April 30, 2018

The Mashroom of Immortality

, Reishi. Found collected and given a new life.
I took a trip down to Cape own for the Thupelo International Arts Workshop where I had chance to meet other 15 artists and we had a chance to live in one space and create works together. here are the pictures that from day 1 defining the process on how I worked with my medium from the time of finding it to the point it is exhibited on the wall. Nothing is planned the work speaks to me as we walk the path of creation. This is a body of Masks from an aloe tree,

a story of the forgotten language, and the ancient spirits that dwell on Land and sea, high above and under.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

In the Heart of Creation

Deep in Creation meditation at the Green Office where I spend most of my time. where waist has no limits from nothingness to something, this is where I breath life into the lifeless and continue to practice the craft art, music energy and plants. the Green Office started in 2012 when I moved in to the Drill Hall to occupy a space in this heritage site for the purpose of fulfilling a mission within this city of Johannesburg. The noise is highest and crime is ripe, the market is radical sirens never stop and its a taxi capital. I dwell there, live there and create within this space. Art is like water to its people, it is that fresh breath that they long for and the artist is the agent, the Celestial worker. 


One day while I was walking down the street of Johannesburg, at the traffic lights just before I cross i saw a being standing upright and not moving, she looked like she was also crossing the road but when the light turned green she stood alone still standing naked and burnt with marks of smoke that create a texture in her skin. as i walked towards her i realised that it was a Manichean that survuved the burning building downtown. when I reached next to her I picked her up and put her on my shoulder to the Green office where she got a make over and some life was imparted to her.

she represents the undying spirit of mother nature and resistance to toxins, wars, systems, religion even resistant to death hence she stands upright after all and plants still grow in her life is sustained.. Gaia Gaia

we return to the springs and drink from the rock of the ancients, the waters of life. walk on their path as they lead us to the worlds not yet discovered...unknown...I have been here before...