Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pace of Time

Pace of time, traces of the past, trust broken

And promises betrayed. Brutal burials bulldozers

Turning the achievers into big losers, begging for a living

In the streets, trees barring wrong fruits, sour days with bitter

Schemes, dreams destroyed exchanged for deadly stream that dissects

Menkind into pieces and destroy the purpose. Deadly ways of the modern beings.

Songs that sings of dishonor and lies, betrayal and adultery.

Pace of time directly proportional to the beat of the heart, like a shadow show

It passes without remembrance. Pamphlets and billboards crowding the road to understanding. Pace of time in a race with life, humanity and reason

Imprisonment of the thought and destruction of the plot. Hot wings and ways of the ungodly. Pace of time with the trace of the past untraceable, future seeming impossible,

Probably because of the pace of time…

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